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Cisterne cachée hdpe avec raccords de réservoirs de yingjie

Cisterne cachée hdpe avec raccords de réservoirs de yingjie

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Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory
Description des produits
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory
Nom du produit
Cisterne cachée hdpe avec raccords de réservoirs de yingjie
numéro de la pièce
Le montant de la taxe
680*1110 mm
commande OEM/ODM
Je l'accepte
autres accessoires
soupape en laiton
Port de livraison
le centre de Shenzhen
le transport
par voie maritime ou aérienne
capacité de production
20000 pièces par mois
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie details
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie supplier
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie manufacture
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie details
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie supplier
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie manufacture
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie details
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie details
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory
recommander des produits
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory
Nos avantages
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie details
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie details
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie details
profil de l'entreprise
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory
Certificat et exposition
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie supplier
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie supplier
ligne de production et emballage
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie manufacture
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie details
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie details
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory
Hdpe Concealed Cistern With Tank Fittings from Yingjie factory

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